
A tool to navigate the achivement in the source tree

We go to github, then download the souce code, go on looking into the code, dame it! So many codes ,so many branches, how to figure out the develop process? Maybe you can use the sourceTree to help you visulize the source tree, or the right below tool for helping navigating the source tree in the time and compare with each other continually. 1. 源码比较目录 2. 文件细节 3. 时间变化表 4. 列出简要信息 5. shell code for navigating the source tree in the git repository
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Edsgar Dijkstar写过不少程序语言和逻辑编程的好书,比如A Discipline of programming. 尾随之后的是David Gries写的the science of programing. TSOP.
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prolog编程工具: swi-prolog 1. cut-fail 2. prolog 相关链接 3. prolog 调试 4. 可以尝试进行的主题阅读方式 5. prolog基础知识点 6. if-then-else的写法 7. DCS写法 8. p99问题集 9. 几本不错的逻辑书籍 10. 我购买的几本书籍
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