Thinking about the dot symbol in haskell

In haskell you can use () to embrace the function into an application

not odd 4   -->error
not (odd 4) -->right

you can also use $ (called a function application),it makes functions right associative.

not $ odd 4

but more pretty and elegant method is use .

It composes functions in a readable manner f(g(h(k(x)))) is ugly (f.g.h.k)(x) is pretty

(not.odd) 4
(length.head.words) "university of NCEPU"

Haskell’s all functions

  • Data.List
  • Data.Char
  • Data.Map
  • Data.Set …..and more than 350 others

In the Data.List module:

Main Data.List> concat ["under","stand","ing"]
Main Data.List> any (==0) [1,1,1,1,1,0,0]
Main Data.List> sort "helo"

--And over 200 more!

Also there are Data.Char

Main Data.List> import Data.Char
Main Data.List Data.Char> isNumber 'h'
Main Data.List Data.Char> toUpper 't'
Main Data.List Data.Char> ord ['A'..'F']

--and over 100 more!

There are also some in Data.Map

Main Data.List Data.Char> import Data.Map
Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map> let m = fromList[("CS","Computer Science"),("TLS","The Little Scheme"),("TSS","The Season Scheme")]
Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map> m
fromList [("CS","Computer Science"),("TLS","The Little Scheme"),("TSS","The Season Scheme")]
Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map> keys m

Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map> Data.Map.lookup "CS" m
Just "Computer Science"

and over 200 more!!!!

We can continue see Data.Set

Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map Data.Set> let a =Data.Set.fromList[1..58]
Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map Data.Set> let b =Data.Set.fromList[53..100]
Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map Data.Set> Data.Set.intersection a b
fromList [53,54,55,56,57,58]

Main Data.List Data.Char Data.Map Data.Set> Data.Set.findMax $ Data.Set.union a b

--and even 100 more

There are one problem: Some function multiple definition in the Data.List and Data.Map,So take note!

Solve the strong passwd

strong x = length x > 14
           && any isLower x
           && any isUpper x
            && any isDigit x

-- Designed by Jared Candelaria

--import Data.Char

strong :: String -> Bool
strong password = all ($ password) requirements
        requirements = [minLength 15, 
                        any isUpper, 
                        any isLower, 
                        any isDigit]
        minLength n str = n <= length str
Engineer of offshore wind turbine technique research

My research interests include distributed energy, wind turbine power generation technique , Computational fluid dynamic and programmable matter.