


不再是老师布置的题目,而是基于现实,充分调研,提取你需要的信息, 进行分布式抽象,合理分类,构建知识系统,从而模拟你所expected的现实, 来论证理论……

知识的存在就因为被interpreted or made sense,namely some what happened have been interpreted and compared ,finnalys tored into your knowledge system in the memory(in your head not in the world),更进一步可以阅读 《The Design of Everyday Things》.


  • A goal –> Your expected things.What do you want?
  • B plan –> what’s your actions to get what you want
  • C specify –> what action can I do now? Design a conceptual model
  • D perform –> How do I do it! Get affordance to execute the action
  • E perceive –> What happened after you done the action?
  • F interpret –> explain what happened?
  • G compare –> it is okay? is it what you want? compare with what you want?

BCD is called the stage of execute while EFG is called the stage of evaluation. Also ,you can call BCD stage as FeedForward which aid in understanding the process of what can you do.And EFG stage can be also looked at as FeedBack stage which aid in understanding the process of what happened.

In the stage of perceive, you can use some signifiers such as light,colors etc in order to communicate with people sucessfully. In the stage of interpret, it means mapping the knowledge.


  • 前言(引言)的第三段讲述作者为什么要进行这项工作、依据、方法(可能一些结果)
  • 文章中的图表(提出的表征方法和性能变化)–技术手段–研究路线
  • 结论(这些表征方法是否实现了既定的目标以及是否还需要优化(产物的性能怎么样?模拟的精度?未发现的自然现象?)



  • 第一句话对应引言第一段。比如说某个东西多NB。
  • 第二句化对应引言第二段。这个NB东西的工作机理激发了我们设计新的方案的灵感
  • 第三句话对应Here we report。。回答四个问题
  1. 我们到底做了什么?
  2. 怎么做的?
  3. 为什么能做到?
  4. 结果怎么样?

想把一个研究工作讲成一个好故事,最关键式该工作取得好的结果。上述过程也满足 SQCA原则,SQCA(situations—conflict–Questions—Answers),很多人针对situations和conflicts基本上都不按章出牌。


Engineer of offshore wind turbine technique research

My research interests include distributed energy, wind turbine power generation technique , Computational fluid dynamic and programmable matter.