The Second Interpreter from One

在[First Interpreter From EOPL][1]中我们定义了一个最为基本的解释器,包含解释以下解释部分

  1. const-exp
  2. diff-exp
  3. zero?-exp
  4. if-exp
  5. var-exp
  6. let-exp


1. 增加四则运算

1.1 lang.scm修改四则运算


      ;;;new add + * /
    (expression ("+" "(" expression "," expression ")") add-exp)
    (expression ("*" "(" expression "," expression ")") mult-exp)
    (expression ("/" "(" expression "," expression ")") div-exp)

1.2 interp.scm修改四则运算


           (add-exp (exp1 exp2)
		    (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
			  (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
		      (let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
			    (num2 (expval->num val2)))
			 (+ num1 num2)))))
           (mult-exp (exp1 exp2)
                     (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
                           (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
                       (let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
                             (num2 (expval->num val2)))
                          (* num1 num2)))))
           (div-exp (exp1 exp2)
		    (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
			  (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
		      (let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
			    (num2 (expval->num val2)))
			 (/ num1 num2)))))

1.3 测试四则运算结果


(run "let x = -(4,1) in +(x,1)")
(run "let x = -(4,1) in *(x,2)")
(run "let x = -(4,1) in /(x,2)")

    (num-val 4)
    (num-val 6)
    (num-val 1 1/2)

2. 增加逻辑比较

2.1 lang.scm修改逻辑比较

    (expression ("equal?" "(" expression "," expression ")") equal?-exp)
    (expression ("less?" "(" expression "," expression ")") less?-exp)
    (expression ("greater?" "(" expression "," expression ")") greater?-exp)
    (expression ("minus" "(" expression ")") minus-exp)

2.2 interp.scm修改逻辑比较

``` scheme (equal?-exp (exp1 exp2) (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env)) (val2 (value-of exp2 env))) (let ((num1 (expval->num val1)) (num2 (expval->num val2))) (bool-val (= num1 num2)))))
       (less?-exp (exp1 exp2)
                (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
                      (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
                  (let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
                        (num2 (expval->num val2)))
                     (< num1 num2)))))

       (greater?-exp (exp1 exp2)
                (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
                      (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
                  (let ((num1 (expval->num val1))
                        (num2 (expval->num val2)))
                     (> num1 num2)))))
    (minus-exp (body-exp)
              (let ((val1 (value-of body-exp env)))
                (let ((num (expval->num val1)))
                  (num-val (- 0 num)))))

<h3 id="2.3"> 2.3 测试增加逻辑比较结果</h3>

``` scheme
(run "if less?(1, 2) then 1 else 2")
(run "if greater?(2, 1) then minus(1) else minus(2)")

    (num-val 1)
    (num-val -1)

3. 加入列表操作

3.1 lang.scm修改列表操作

;;; 增加list比较
        ;;new stuff
    (expression ("cons" "(" expression "," expression ")") cons-exp)
    (expression ("car" "(" expression ")") car-exp)
    (expression ("cdr" "(" expression ")") cdr-exp)
    (expression ("emptylist") emptylist-exp)
    (expression ("null?" "(" expression ")") null?-exp)

3.2 interp.scm修改列表操作

        (emptylist-exp ()
        (cons-exp (exp1 exp2)
                 (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
                       (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
                   (pair-val val1 val2)))
        (car-exp (body)
                (expval-car (value-of body env)))
        (cdr-exp (body)
                (expval-cdr (value-of body env)))
        (null?-exp (exp)
                  (expval-null? (value-of exp env)))

3.3 data-structures.scm增加了expval值类型和4个操作

  • 修改expval部分

增加了pair-valemptylist-val 两个语言的新值,这也是区分之前的四则运算逻辑比较的过程

     (car expval?)
     (cdr expval?))
  • 增加了4个expval类型变换操作

(define expval->pair
  (lambda (v)
    (cases expval v
	   (pair-val (car cdr)
		     (cons car cdr))
	   (else (expval-extractor-error 'pair v)))))

(define expval-car
  (lambda (v)
    (cases expval v
	   (pair-val (car cdr) car)
	   (else (expval-extractor-error 'car v)))))

(define expval-cdr
  (lambda (v)
    (cases expval v
	   (pair-val (car cdr) cdr)
	   (else (expval-extractor-error 'cdr v)))))

(define expval-null?
  (lambda (v)
    (cases expval v
	   (emptylist-val () (bool-val #t))
	   (else (bool-val #f)))))

3.4 测试修改列表操作结果

(run "cons(1, 2)")
(run "car (cons (1, 2))")
(run "cdr (cons (1, 2))")
(run "null? (emptylist)")
(run "null? (cons (1, 2))")

(run "let x = 4
        in cons(x,

    (pair-val (num-val 1) (num-val 2))
    (num-val 1)
    (num-val 2)
    (bool-val #t)
    (bool-val #f)
    (pair-val (num-val 4) (pair-val (pair-val (num-val 3) (emptylist-val)) (emptylist-val)))


> (run "car (3 5 3)")
. . parsing: at line 1: looking for ")", found number 5 in production
((string "car") (string "(") (non-term expression) (string ")") (reduce #<procedure:car-exp>))
> (run "car (3,5)")
. . parsing: at line 1: looking for ")", found literal-string111 "," in production
((string "car") (string "(") (non-term expression) (string ")") (reduce #<procedure:car-exp>))
> (run "null? ()")
. . parsing: at line 1: nonterminal <expression> can't begin with literal-string111 ")"
> (run "car (cons (3,5))")
(num-val 3)


  (car-exp (body) (expval-car (value-of body env)))

 (car expval?)
 (cdr expval?))

(define expval-car
  (lambda (v)
    (cases expval v
     (pair-val (car cdr) car)   ;;v在这边是expval类型,更具体来说是pair-val,其他类型没有对应的操作
                                ;;而在当前的情况细 pair-val只能通过cons创建!!
     (else (expval-extractor-error 'car v)))))


  (define-datatype expval expval?
     (value number?))
     (boolean boolean?))
     (car expval?)
     (cdr expval?))

    (cons-exp (exp1 exp2)
             (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env))
                   (val2 (value-of exp2 env)))
               (pair-val val1 val2)))

注意操作符后面不是必须直接跟上括号(空格会被直接忽略) 而是应该保证括号的对称性。

> (run "* (3,4")
. . parsing: at line 1: looking for ")", found end-marker #f in production
((string "*") (string "(") (non-term expression) (string ",") (non-term expression) (string ")") (reduce #<procedure:mult-exp>))
> (run "+(3,4)")
(num-val 7)
> (run "*(3,4)")
(num-val 12)


4.1 lang.scm修改list具体实现

    (expression ("list" "(" (separated-list expression ",") ")" ) list-exp)

4.2 interp.scm修改list具体实现

  1. 增加一个apply-elm用于list操作。
  ;; used as map for the list
(define apply-elm
  (lambda (env)
    (lambda (elem)
      (value-of elem env))))
  1. 增加了list类型
  ;;; 增加了list操作
  (list-exp (args)
           (list-val (map (apply-elm env) args)))

4.3 data-structures.scm修改list的具体实现


  (define list-val
  (lambda (args)
    (if (null? args)
	(pair-val (car args)
		  (list-val (cdr args))))))

4.4 测试list具体实现的结果

(run "list(1, 2, 3)")
(run "car(cdr(list(1, 2, 3)))")
(run "let x = 4
      in list(x, -(x,1), -(x,3))")

    (pair-val (num-val 1) (pair-val (num-val 2) (pair-val (num-val 3) (emptylist-val))))
    (num-val 2)
    (pair-val (num-val 4) (pair-val (num-val 3) (pair-val (num-val 1) (emptylist-val))))

5. cond条件比较

5.1 lang.scm修改cond条件比较

;; new stuff
(expression ("cond" (arbno expression "==>" expression) "end") cond-exp)

5.2 interp.scm修改cond条件比较

  1. 增加一个cond-val,之所以不在类似加入列表实现list具体实现添加val转换,是因为cond-val涉及到value-of 程序,所以需要放在interp.scm中,放在apply-elm之后即可.
;;new stuff
(define cond-val
  (lambda (conds acts env)
    (cond ((null? conds)
	   (error 'cond-val "No conditions got into #t"))
	  ((expval->bool (value-of (car conds) env))
	   (value-of (car acts) env))
	   (cond-val (cdr conds) (cdr acts) env)))))
  1. 在value-of中增加了具体的实现
        	   (cond-exp (conds acts)
		     (cond-val conds acts env))

5.3 测试cond条件比较结果

(run "less?(1, 2)")
(run "cond less?(1, 2) ==> 2 end")
(run "cond less?(2, 1) ==> 1 greater?(2, 2) ==> 2  greater?(3, 2) ==> 3 end")

    (bool-val #t)
    (num-val 2)
    (num-val 3)

6. print显示

6.1 lang.scm修改print显示

  ;; new stuff
    (expression ("print" "(" expression ")") print-exp)

6.2 interp.scm修改print显示

        (print-exp (arg)
                  (let ((val (value-of arg env)))
                    ;(print val)  ;;编译不通过 改为display
                    (display val) ;
                    (num-val 1)))

6.3 测试print显示结果

(run "print( less? (1, 2))")
    #(struct:bool-val #t)(num-val 1)

7. let的改进和let*的加入



 (run "let x = 30
      in let x = -(x,1)
             y = -(x,2)
         in -(x, y)")
. . parsing: at line 3: looking for "in", found identifier y in production
((string "let") (term identifier) (string "=") (non-term expression) (string "in") (non-term expression) (reduce #<procedure:let-exp>))


        (let-exp (var exp1 body)       
                (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env)))
                  (value-of body
                           (extend-env var val1 env))))


let改进之interp.scm 修改

  1. 增加两个let-exp的辅助程序
  ;; let-exp的嵌套实现
  (define value-of-vals
    (lambda (vals env)
      (if (null? vals)
         (cons (value-of (car vals) env)
              (value-of-vals (cdr vals) env)))))
  (define extend-env-list
    (lambda (vars vals env)
      (if (null? vars)
         (let ((var1 (car vars))
               (val1 (car vals)))
           (extend-env-list (cdr vars) (cdr vals) (extend-env var1 val1 env))))))
  1. 改变letexp的具体实现

 ;       (let-exp (var exp1 body)       
 ;               (let ((val1 (value-of exp1 env)))
 ;                (value-of body
 ;                          (extend-env var val1 env))))
        (let-exp (vars vals body)
                (let ((_vals (value-of-vals vals env)))
                  (value-of body (extend-env-list vars _vals env))))

7.2 let改进之lang.scm

  ;    (expression
  ;     ("let" identifier "=" expression "in" expression)
  ;     let-exp)
        ("let" (arbno identifier "=" expression) "in" expression) 


link: bad variable linkage;
 reference to a variable that is uninitialized
  reference phase level: 0
  variable module: "/home/canbetter/let-lang/lang.scm"
  variable phase: 0
  reference in module: "/home/canbetter/let-lang/interp.scm" in: a-program?

原因出现在let语法中增加了 (arbno ...)操作。



7.3 let改进结果

(run "let x = -(4,1) in let x =+(x,1) in -(x,10)")

    (num-val -6)
(run "let x = -(4,1) in let x =+(x,1)  y=-(x,10) in -(x,y)")

    (num-val 11) ;; x=4 y=-(3,10)=-7  所以-(x,y)=11而不是 10


7.4 let*的lang.scm具体实现


      (expression ("let*" (arbno identifier "=" expression) "in" expression) let*-exp)

7.5 let*的interp.scm具体实现

  1. 增加了一个extend-env-list-iter操作,由于也是存在value-of所以放入interp.scm中。
  (define extend-env-list-iter
    (lambda(vars vals env)
      (if (null? vars)
         (let ((var1 (car vars))
               (val1 (value-of (car vals) env)))
           (extend-env-list-iter (cdr vars) (cdr vals)
                                (extend-env var1 val1 env))))))
  1. let*的类型定义

        (let*-exp (vars vals body)
                 (value-of body (extend-env-list-iter vars vals env)))

7.6 let*的测试结果

(run "let x = 30
      in let x = -(x,1)
             y = -(x,2)
         in -(x, y)")

(run "let x = 30
      in let* x = -(x,1)
             y = -(x,2)
         in -(x, y)")

    (num-val 1)
    (num-val 2)

8. unpack列表赋值

8.1 unpack的interp.scm修改

  1. 增加了extend-env-list-exp的操作,用于针对unpack的特殊的环境拓展,当然可以把它放在data-structures.scm中
  ;;; 关于unpack的操作
  (define extend-env-list-exp
    (lambda (vars vals env)
      (if (null? vars)
         (let ((var1 (car vars))
               (val1 (expval-car vals)))
           (extend-env-list-exp (cdr vars)
                               (expval-cdr vals)
                               (extend-env var1 val1 env))))))
  1. unpack-exp的具体实现:
        (unpack-exp (vars vals body)
                   (let ((_vals (value-of vals env)))
                     (value-of body (extend-env-list-exp vars _vals env))))

8.2 unpack的lang.scm修改

;;new stuff
    (expression ("unpack" (arbno identifier) "=" expression "in" expression) unpack-exp)

8.3 测试unpack修改结果

;; new testcase
(run "let u = 7
      in unpack x y = cons(u, cons(3,emptylist))
      in -(x,y)")

(num-val 4)  ;;;(x y)= (7 3)  -(7,3)=4


这是这对[First Interpreter From EOPL][1] 的8个方面的拓展,对于认识语言的设计有很大的帮助。


Engineer of offshore wind turbine technique research

My research interests include distributed energy, wind turbine power generation technique , Computational fluid dynamic and programmable matter.

